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Updated: Apr 12, 2023

Happy Quiz

Take the Happy Lifestyle Habits Quiz to Learn Your Happy Score

To learn your Happy Score, spend a moment to take the "Happy Quiz" and tell us about your lifestyle habits. Once completed, you'll receive your Happy Score. Based on your answers, you'll also receive recommendations on how to raise your Happy Score. These recommendations may include beneficial lifestyle habits and products formulated by Dr. Shawn Talbott for helping you support your mind, body, and overall wellness.

But first, let's take a look at the science behind the recommendations.

Before you start taking the Happy Quiz:

When you complete the quiz and receive your score, please enter your name and email address to get $10 off your first order if products are recommended to compliment lifestyle changes to elevate the "happy" in your life.

Step 1 - Make a note of habits recommended to improve your mind, body, and overall wellness.

Self-awareness plays a pivotal role in choosing new lifestyle habits to feel the way you want to feel everyday. Writing down your recommendations helps you commit to a course of action.

Step 2 - Review your results

Review your recommended daily habit enhancements, products and how to use them. If you're viewing your results from your mobile phone, take screenshots.

Step 3 - Email to discuss your choices

If you're ready to immediately act on the recommendations, order the products you need and I will follow-up with you before your order arrives. You have a support community waiting for you.

If you'd like a consultation review, please email and we'll schedule a call.

I know that learning the results of your Happy Score to enhance your lifestyle habits will encourage, and give you the courage, to make meaningful changes to support your mind, body, and overall wellness. Remember to email me to discuss your results!


Nelea Lane

The Happy Juice Chick

Founder Legacy Wellness Entrepreneurs


Updated: Apr 11, 2023

Story time with the Happy Juice Chick

Once upon a time at the end of a cold and dreary winter, there lived a woman named Emily in a kingdom far away. She had grown tired of the long stretch of winter, grey skies, the icy winds, and the never-ending feelings of darkness that seemed to cover her days.

Emily longed for the warmth of the sun in the sky, warmth in her heart, the sound of birds singing, and the sight of blooming flowers. She knew she had to find a way to escape the winter blues or risk feeling trapped in a world of sadness.

One day while wandering aimlessly through the kingdom streets, Emily stumbled upon a small shop with a bright pink sign that read "Happy Juice." Curious, she went inside and was greeted by the owner, a kind and gentle woman named Nelea who was known as that Happy Juice Chick. Nelea explained that she sold a special blend of juice that was guaranteed to lift anyone's spirits and chase away their winter blues.

Emily decided to give it a try and bought the fruity blend. As soon as she took a sip, she immediately felt a wave of warmth and happiness wash over her. She felt lighter, more motivated, more energetic and confident than she had in weeks.

Determined to share this newfound joy with others, Emily decided to throw a party and serve her friends some "Happy Juice." She showed everyone how to mix the fruity powders with sparkling water and invited them to sample it. Her friends were skeptical at first, but they soon joined in on the fun and asked where to get their own.

The party was a huge success. The guests laughed, danced, and sang all night long and as they drank more "Happy Juice," the winter blues seemed to melt away. They talked about their dreams and aspirations, shared stories of their travels, growing their trades, and toasted to good health and happiness.

From that day on, Happy Juice became a winter staple and the smile of spring and summer for Emily and her friends. Whenever the snow fell on the ground, or the days grew shorter, they would gather around a table and enjoy a glass of Happy Juice. And each time, they felt recharged, refreshed, and ready to take on whatever the day or season brought their way.

And so, the next time you find yourself feeling down and out on a dreary day, remember the story of Emily and her Happy Juice. With a little bit of sunshine and a lot of laughter, anything is possible.


Nelea R. Lane, CMWC The Happy Juice Chick

Founder Legacy Wellness Entrepreneurs

Social Marketing is not just an excellent way to add an additional stream of income to your life, but it also gives you the amazing opportunity to be a part of a strong community of like-minded, passionate, solopreneurs! This business concept has been around for decades and is exponentially growing on a global scale year after year due to the fact that ... it works, and the ways to participate in it are evolving to include influencers and affiliates. The residual income and dual business model that most companies provide offers individuals the opportunity to make it either a full-time career or provide a second source of welcomed income.

With all of that said, in order to be successful in this business, it does require hard work, stepping outside of your comfort zone, and being persistent. You have to remember your business is you! A reflection of you and your creation. Thankfully, once you set up a solid network of relationships, your business becomes MUCH less time-intensive, and the right company will provide apps, systems, and resources to help so that you can almost run your business on “autopilot” from your phone. As I’m sure you can imagine, the key is to automate without losing the human touch as fast as possible!

Here are 10 simple tips to help you jump-start your business and maximize your social marketing potential in the next 7 days:

Tip #1 - Use Your Products Regularly

This is number one for a reason! This is the most ignored part of every social marketing business. How do you expect your business to succeed if you are not using your own products? Having a first-hand testimonial story from your products is HUGE. Keys to great marketing and repeat sales include being able to answer your customer’s questions (or find the answers), posting photos of yourself with your products, and educating people on the benefits your product may. If you are not already, make a commitment to start using your products this week and see where your business goes.

Tip #2 - Educate Yourself Constantly

This is especially important. Business and self-help books are a great way to start. Many industry leaders or stand-out CEOs have written books about how they got their business started and how they reached the top. Following the path of successful people before you is always a smart way to start in any business. Reading books on cultivating a positive attitude and a business mindset will set you up for success when you are facing a lull in your business or feel like you don’t want to keep going. Successful people are constantly working on their self-development and expanding their horizons. I recommend reading a mindset, business, or self-help book for a minimum of 15 minutes each day, preferably in the morning, to set the day off right!

I'm currently reading The Art of Bouncing Back: Find Your Flow to Thrive at Work and in Life -- Any Time You're Off Your Game by Darleen Coach Dar Santore

Tip #3 - Spend As Much Time as Possible with Your Upline

The “upline” is a vast source of knowledge and information for social marketers. Mingle with top solopreneurs in your group, or other groups, and ask how they made it and created success for themselves at different stages of their careers. Do three-way calls with your prospective customers/ business partners and your upline so you can get comfortable talking about your products and your business model as soon as possible. Most people are more than happy to share tips and advice with you. Be coachable and listen to their advice -- act with authenticity that matches your goals, style, and unique personality. Be prepared to step out of your comfort zone.

Tip #4 - Start Making a List and Reach Out to a Minimum of 10 People Each Day

Start by making two dream lists: one for the people who you know would be interested in your products and another of the people who you think would be interested in hearing about your business and possibly want to join you. Making these lists are essential, and moving through these lists every day and reaching out to a minimum of 10 people per day will put you on the fast track to success. Almost every successful social marketer has done this at some point, and many habitually continue to do this because they know it works. It keeps you consistent, it keeps you actively engaged every day, and it continues to open new doors of opportunity to move more product or reach more people who may be looking to join a business like yours. Your business and influence will stall quickly if you're not constantly creating and working your dream lists.

Tip #5 - Care For Your Downline

An entire book can be written on this topic. Usually, it’s the little things that show how much you really care. Maintain regular contact, especially in the beginning. Offer online group hangouts and trainings to get your team started strong and always praise your team members’ accomplishments. Constantly promote company resources and educational opportunities so they are self-sufficient. Join them in strategizing and positioning themselves for success, always edifying and positively interacting with them and the spaces they invite you into. Offer incentives for specific achievements, such as free product, recognition, free admission to a company training, or other rewards that will keep your group motivated. The more you can motivate them in the beginning and get them connected to the group, the more they will want to stay engaged and be excited about continuing to build, make more money, and move up in the ranks of the company. As they grow, let them fly without micromanagement, remembering their organizations are a gift to your future success. Capitalize on the smallest and greatest achievements to motivate others on your team.

Tip #6 - Duplicate Yourself by Making Your Organization “Independent” of You

This will help to multiply your time and make you and your team more effective. Always lead by example. Never stop recruiting, training, and duplicating. Remember the KISS formula -- “Keep It Simple, Sweety.” I know, I know, I changed the last word, but you get the meaning. You do this by conducting simple, brief, yet effective presentations and teaching your downline to do the same. Teach them to fish, find answers, and automate with company resources and apps as well as groups for education, training, opportunity meetups, and testimonials. The more self-sufficient your team members are, the more successful and proactive they will be in THEIR business. If you know of great coaches for business, mindset, social media, graphics, copywriting and crafting stories, provide those resources for your team members to evaluate and invest in for success.

Tip #7 - Create a Large Customer Base

This is another largely ignored, yet very important, piece of your social marketing business. Don’t focus so much on building a huge organization (downline) that you forget how much you can also make by selling your products to retail customers. Some people will not want to become a partner of your organization, no matter how great a product/system you may have. But, they may be very interested in buying your product directly from you and enjoy earning free rewards. Social media has allowed us unlimited access to free marketing to people we know, and to people we have never met before. The more you post about your products or lifestyle and educate people on the benefits of what your product offers, the more you will create a consistent flow of customers and a steady stream of monthly, residual income.

Tip #8 - Focus On Your Customers’ Needs

You must give customers more than they expect, and always satisfy your customers’ complaints considerately and when necessary provide them with the necessary phone number and email address to reach the empowered customer support hereos of the company you represent.

Try to listen 80% of the time and talk only 20% of the time when talking with your customers. Asking questions and choosing products based on their individual needs will keep them coming back.

When posting, don’t just post about your product; post about the problem that your customer has and why this product will help. Focusing on people’s pain points is what will draw them to you and the solution you have for them. Your customers can be a huge source of future referrals and business. You must earn and maintain their trust. Once you have their trust, you can always ask for referrals, which leads to even more business and a larger organization.

Tip #9 - Set Daily, Weekly, Monthly, and Yearly Goals. Write Them Down!

Goal setting for the Solopreneur is essential. Creating achievable goals so as not to get overwhelmed or to begin feeling unmotivated is important. Breaking up a larger goal into smaller, more easily attainable goals is the key to success. You cannot just jump to the end. You have to make progress every day. Writing your goals down will help you succeed. A goal is just a “passing thought” or “wish” until you put it in writing. That is when it becomes concrete and real. It is also a great idea to keep a business journal of your daily activities, as it will help you to become more productive and time-conscious. Your goals should include income and relationship building activities that actually support your business. Don't get caught up in busy work!

"Don't wait for perfection before you start. Start somewhere so you can have something tangible you can work to perfect." -- Simon Sinek

Tip #10 - Get Out There and Do It Now!

The most important ingredient for success is ACTION! The quicker you start following the resources your company, and possibly your Upline has created for you, learning the products and their benefits, and start reaching out to people every single day, the quicker your business will take off and the more motivated you will be to keep going! If you are unsure about what to say or are still learning about your products, use your upline to help you reach out to your prospects in the very beginning. When your friends, family, and colleagues see your excitement and enthusiasm for your new products and business venture, they will watch and eventually want to know more about what you’re doing. Not taking action is the #1 reason for failing at anything in life. Things won't always be perfect, it might get messy, but if you commit to consistent action every single day, you will be a success as a solopreneur in social marketing soooner rather than a lot later.

By following these 10 steps, you should begin to see results develop fairly quickly in your business. Hopefully, this has provided you with some actionable insights to help you to grow and succeed as you dive into the exciting business of social marketing. Download my FREE Dream List form and get to work. And, as with anything worth working towards, please don’t forget to enjoy the journey on your way to the top and take care of yourself along with way.


Nelea R. Lane, CMWC The Happy Juice Chick

Founder Legacy Wellness Entrepreneurs

© 2022 by THE HAPPY JUICE CHICK a Brand Partner with Amare Global. Proudly supporting Mental Fitness for Mental Wellness. Certain trademarks, content, videos, and photos are shared with permission and protected by their rightful owner.

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The health and medical information on this website is not intended to take the place of advice or treatment from healthcare professionals. It is also not intended to substitute for the users' relationships with their own health care/pharmaceutical providers. Statements on this site have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease"

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